Friday, June 24, 2011

Workforce - Human Capital -

Don't call people "human capital"... seriously they are people.  When workforce development professional's get together they talk about being "demand driven" and "engaging employers"... the idea is simple, find out what the employer's in your region need, train people for those jobs, and everyone's happy.  This was a great model in 1989... not so much today.


- knowledge becomes obsolete at the speed of light, the current model assumes we can train someone one time and they'll keep that job for the forseeable future. Not in this dynamic, global economy.  The shelf life of companies is very short, much less the shelf life of employee's.
- 50+% of all new jobs are temp or part-time jobs.  The consultant is the new model.
- Nobody asks the worker what they want... do they want to be a widget? what do they like to do?  what are they passionate about? where are their skill sets?  How can we possibly assume none of that matters?

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